Carmelina’s Art – Taking Fine Art Online

This website was an absolute joy to work on for Carmelina. She is an incredible local artist who needed some help in taking her talents for fine art online.

Where we started.

Carmelina already had a simple website which was made on Wix. While it certainly looked fine, after all she does have a great eye for detail, there was some quite obvious technical problems with her site. It had some lovely images but it didn’t contain enough text which is needed if you want to be found by search engines.

The brief.

She needed some focus for the site and to have it re-built to make it search engine friendly. After some consultation we decided an increased focus on Pet Portraits was needed as she found these quite rewarding to produce and there seemed to be a reasonable market for them. We also needed to include a method to collect email addresses for an upcoming newsletter.

Taking fine art online.

The first step was to completely re-build the site using WordPress so that it was easy to update on a regular basis. We then had her collect some customer testimonials with images of the customer and the end artwork which now feature prominently on the front page.

We re-designed the portfolio pages into revised categories and included text captions on each of the images to give some more information to the reader and to the search engines. Next up we added a simple blog which will be updated on a regular basis to give readers a reason to come back and visit her site on a regular basis.

We have also added tracking software to the site so we can now analyse where traffic and leads are coming from to maximise the ability to promote it efficiently.

As the site has only just launched we don’t have any results in yet but stand by for progress reports in our blog.

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What Carmelina had to say.

carmelina_th_rnd“What a blessing it has been to find My Business Engine. Mark and Helen from day one have been supportive with ideas and have shared my vision in progressing my online custom art business. I now have a very functional and artistic website which includes a blog and customer inquiry section. I love my new site, I am so proud of it and I cannot wait for the rest of the world to see it. Thank you for the ongoing support, the nurturing of my ideas, for your guidance and direction.”

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